Rayyan Alam

12 Brechin Crescent · Ottawa ON · (613) 809-9034 · rayyan.sid.alam@gmail.com

Computer science student with extensive knowledge of programming principles including object-oriented programming, responsive design, and machine learning principles. Addicted to problem-solving and building quality solutions for my clients. Always striving to learn and build new relationships. Kid at heart who works hard and plays hard.


Frontend Developer

  • Languages/Frameworks: React, Mobx, Typescript
  • Engineered a frontend solution that allows users to intuitively create, save, and share reports. Reports are dynamic and can display complex datasets. The multilayered framework allows users to drill down on specific datasets to see a more detailed breakdown.
  • Created a framework that allows users to create, share and edit dashboards. Dashboards are fully customizable including custom widgets, layouts, and filters.
  • Exporting, implemented the ability to allow users to export transactions into a pdf. Exported pdfs included receipts, timestamps, and thumbnails of the given transaction. All exported documents are dynamic and linked back to the platform and the give transaction.

Febuary 2021 - Present

Co Founder

  • Created an ecosystem of apps for digitizing, optimizing, and innovating school management and administration.
  • Designed, modeled, and developed a platform with applications for locker registration, duty scheduler, and an EMP system. Apps include fully automated management, 3D rendering, and end to end security/encryption (CSRF Token Management).
  • Applied languages/frameworks: HTML, PHP, MySql, Bootstrap

July 2020 - Present


Tri-Star Academy

Teaching 8-12 year-olds programming and problem-solving skills in classroom style manner. Work with a team of 5 other instructors to develop a complete curriculum for students blending programming theories, and hands-on learning.

September 2019 - Present


  • Key Responsibilities: Front-End Product Development, UI/UX Development, Back- End Data Organization and Data Collection.
  • Developed custom data models to integrate multiple application platforms to be consumed by new machine learning/AI interfaces.
  • Support development team in tackling high priority product backlog items and issues.
  • Applied languages/frameworks: React - Python; Django (REST Framework), Pandas.

November 2019 - July 2020


  • Key Responsibilities: Front-End Web Development, Website Redesign, API Integration.
  • Aplied languages/frameworks: Ghost, Node.js, XML SOAP, handlebars
  • Integrated, and built an end to end customer portal with an ISP's service management system using APIs and dynamic web loading interfaces.
  • The new API increases customer acquisition , and also streamlines customer management.

March 2020 - Present



  • Learned to understand build and engineering blueprints.
  • Meticulously followed plans to assemble hardware components according to meet the ordered specifications.
  • Coordinated activities and tasks with cross functional front-line assembly engineers to ensure to deliver products on time.

June 2019 - October 2019



Computer Science - AI Track

11 week Harvard course including C, Python, Flask, SQL, Javascript, HTML, CSS, relational databases and data-structures. Completed 20+ design projects, including fully functioning web-applications.

July 2020 - August 2020

West Carleton Secondary School

  • Elected Head of Social
  • Jr. Boys Basketball
  • SHSM
Sept 2018 - Sept 2021


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Django, Pandas, Numpy, Pillow
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


" I believe great developers must be able to learn and mimic from the best devlopers "

On my journey to become an exceptional developer I clone and improve on some of the most iconically designed apps

    Front-End Projects


  • Airbnb Clone


  • COVID Tracker

    Full Stack Projects


  • RD Systems

  • North Wind Wireless

    Fintec and Trading Scripts

  • Stock charting algorithm (Technical Analysis)

    No more Charting ! This algorithm utilizes ATR , RSI, and pivot points to predict support and resistance levels. Users can customize data they wants to see. Designed to save traders time, no longer will traders waste time on charting.

  • Trading Algorithm

    Today a lot of the stock market has become computerized, it is now a game between computers. In the middle are the retail investors whom are the most vulnerable to this volatility and whom have the largest to lose . I have designed a trading algorithm to help bridge that gap. This is a trading algorithm that gives buy and sell signals through technical analysis. When predicting future price action it analysis volume, moving average derivatives, and Fibonacci retracement levels depending on this data the algorithm then spits out a buy or sell signal. Alerts can also be connected, and web hook integration is also built in .

    Python and Ai Projects

  • Self Driving Car (Object Identifer)

    Google's approach to creating self-driving cars is through lidar technology. They believe self-driving cars can only clearly identify their surroundings through LIDAR. I completely disagree, if humans can drive cars with just their eyes, what is stopping AI's from doing so. I took it upon myself to show the world this bulky lidar solution is overkill!